Want to Get Involved?

Members of the Communist Party USA are dedicated to helping advance the day-to-day struggles of the working class and all people on the road to a socialist USA.

The struggles for the immediate demands and reforms needed by working people today are essential steps toward our ultimate goals of the revolutionary transformation of society and the economy, toward socialism and then communism. The constant battles over issues large and small are where workers learn the lesson that more fundamental changes are necessary and that people need socialism to have a truly humane society.

Our organization is made up of grassroots community, labor and student activists, national movement leaders, young and old, immigrant and native-born. We are electricians, writers, steelworkers, teachers, retail workers, students, small business people and more. We are working, unemployed and active retirees. We are women and men. Our members are African American, white, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab, American Indian and from every nationality. We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and dozens more languages. We are gay, lesbian, straight, bi, trans, and non-binary. We come from every region and state of this country, from big cities to small towns, from coast to coast. If you live in the United States and are at least 18 years old, you can be a member too.